EndEx Productions is the spiritual successor of TAG Operations, with a 10+ year history of hosting airsoft events. Our last event was held right before COVID lockdown, and we are excited to get back into the game. Please join us at our first event as EndEx Productions!
-- Teams --
- TAN based uniforms/camo. See uniforms section below for more information.
- GREEN based uniforms/camo. See uniforms section below for more information.
The primary scenario will be utilizing a target designator device and receiver that simulates "lazing" a target using a real laser and light detector. The attacking team will get to decide where to set up to laze the target and must stay on target for a given amount of time. The defending team will need to prevent the attackers from successfully lazing the target.
The game will be structured into multiple rounds (30 minutes) held across different points of interest on the field. Teams will swap roles (attack/defend) throughout the event.
The target device will have a 360 degree detection area and includes an LED readout bar on the top to indicate status.
- Standby mode will show static color (green)
- While target is being lazed, LED bar will start to fill starting from the bottom to indicate progress
- If laser comes off target, it will flash white during the retargeting timeframe (~5 seconds)
- When progress reaches 100% the LED will flash orange (round is over)
- The time required to laze the target will be adjusted to maintain balance. It will start at 5~10 minutes.
- There is a short “retargeting” time to allow the attackers to retrain the laser onto the target. This is to prevent having to completely restart the laze time due to small interruptions in the laser beam.
- Defending team is prohibited from intentionally blocking the laser. The only way to stop the attackers is to disable the designator (turn it off)
- If the player carrying the designator is shot, they can choose to drop it or take it back to respawn. If designator is unreachable by the attackers, then a ref will return it to respawn. The idea isn't to have that defenders camp the designator.
- Once the defending team disables the designator (turns it off), a ref will return it to the attacker’s respawn.
- Attackers can attempt as many times as they want within the round timeframe. If the laser is on target when the round limit is reached, then we will go into "overtime" and the round will end when either the target time expires (target destroyed), or the laser is disabled.
Target locations (subject to change):
- City Hall
- Hangar
- Hotel
- Container depot
We will be turning players away that do not meet these minimum requirements.
- 16+ years of age (only exception is if your parent is PLAYING WITH YOU, or if you have been cleared by event organizers, thus being grandfahtered in)
- Adherence to uniform requirements (see below)
- GREEN glowstick (no other color permitted as deadrag. Red light will be used for navigation)
- Flashlight (for navigation or emergencies)
- Radio (very important for communicating at night)
- Midcaps (unlimited) or 1 hi-cap (drum/box mags can only be used with support weapons)
- 366 FPS limit (w/.25g)
- Over 366fps must be approved/checked by admin
Suggested additional gear:
- Watch (timing of objectives)
- Red illumination (for navigation)
- Electronic glowstick (ability to turn off)
Must have matching top/bottom. Wearing the other team's colors is not permitted. This includes head gear such as helmets and hats. Vest/gear color does not matter. Acceptable colors include solid colors and camouflage patterns that are distinctly discernible. If it is ambiguous, it isn't allowed. *Black is now approved for green team. *OPFOR may be exempt from certain uniform restrictions on a per-event basis.
Colors/patterns that are NOT permitted:
- Foliage green ATACs (looks too much like Multicam).
- Grey (includes PCU!)
- Dark brown
- Realtree/hunting camo
- Blue (includes blue-jeans)
- Red or other bright colors that can be mistaken as dead rags
Permitted colors/patterns (not exhaustive):
- TAN:
--- Multicam
--- DCU
--- Desert Marpat
--- Khaki
--- Coyote brown
--- Dark earth
--- Woodland M81
--- Olive drab
--- Ranger green
--- Woodland Marpat
--- Black
- Magazines must be removed at all times while outside the playing area (SAWs with box mags are exempt from this rule, but should use a barrel cover)
- Take your magazine out and clear your chamber before leaving the playing area
- ABSOLUTELY no firing BBs outside the playing area. You must put on goggles and step inside the play area or to the chrono area to fire BBs. Dry firing to test weapons is OK. Do not forget to clear your chamber first.
- Goggles must remain on while inside the playing area, even between and before games.
- Fogged goggles may not be removed. If you can not defog them without taking them off, then you must call yourself out and step outside the play area.
*Anyone caught breaking ANY of these rules will be issued a warning. If a second infraction occurs, then you will have to sit out. If a third infraction occurs, you will go home. This is not your parent's backyard.
- All measurements are with a .25g BB. It is very important that you measure or convert your FPS with a .25g BB. MED stands for "Minimum Engagement Distance". This is the closest you are allowed to shoot someone at, depending on the fps of your gun:
- INDOOR RULE = Semi only while engaging players indoors
: <=366fps = no MED
: 366-400fps = 15ft MED
: *400-450fps = 50ft MED
: *450-500fps = 100ft MED, restricted to semi only
: *500-550fps = 100ft MED, bolt action only
*anything over 400fps with a .25 must be checked in with a game admin before passing chrono
- Safety Kill: No safety kills are allowed. If you encounter a player within your MED, then you must either back away to a safe distance to shoot, pull your pistol, or accept being shot if the other player has a closer MED. Players need to understand that there is an invisible bubble around you that restricts how close you can shoot someone. If you choose to use a higher FPS gun, then you accept the consequences of not being able to shoot a player up close.
- No knife/sword kills. We are here to shoot each other.
- There are no bunker tag rules in play, do not bunker tag.
- Grenades must make a noise to be considered lethal devices. We will be using the 15ft radius rule. Hard cover can save you, but friends and foliage don't count as cover.
- Rockets will also have a 15ft radius rule, but do not have to make a noise. If a rocket hits a bunker (small 1-room structure), players inside are dead. For larger structures, the rocket must land inside the room.
- No climbing over structures, this includes fences and into second story structures.
- Destruction of field property will not be tolerated. Respect the facilities provided as if it was your own property. Do not shoot at the lights or windows.
- $35 for regular Saturday play at XK (non scenario 10am-6pm)
- $35 to attend only the night scenario (after 6pm)
- $45 for an all day/night pass. You will need to make sure you get an EndEx Productions wrist band for this option.
6:30PM - Chrono opens
7:30PM - Briefing
8:00PM - Game-on (when it gets dark)
1:30AM - Game over